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Palmerston Perth

Contact Details
phone (08) 9328 7355 wifi Website email Email

location_on 134 Palmerston Street, Perth 6000

Opening Hours

Open 24 Hours

Palmerston Perth

Organisation: Palmerston
schedule Open

We have a rich and proud history of providing support through a range of services including counselling, groups, residential rehabilitation and educational initiatives. Our free community services are based in 10 locations throughout the metropolitan and Great Southern region. We also offer outreach in areas such as Waroona, Pinjarra and Medina. Additionally, Palmerston has two residential rehabilitation services, known as therapeutic communities, one in the southern suburbs of Perth and one in the South West.

Support Categories:
This Service Offers:
Operating as Normal

Open 24 Hours

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Need Help?

If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please phone 000

If you are experiencing mental or emotional distress please phone Lifeline on 13 11 14